So I've been waiting for some fluttering feelings to arrive the past few weeks, since that is what most women feel when they are about 18 or 19 months. The other night, in the middle of the night, I woke up to my stomach being in almost a ball. It reminded me of when I was pregnant with Tia and she'd ball up and be on top of my belly, like she floated to the top. Hence, why we nick named her when she was in my belly as Tia Pot Pie. Well, I think this baby is going to be the same way. I put my hands around this tiny little ball sitting on top of my belly and I felt a hard kick. At first, I thought it was my imagination but I waited and sure enough, there was another big kick. I couldn't believe it. I guess I hadn't paid attention to how big the baby is by now. I looked it up and the baby should be bigger than a deli sized pickle, so I guess big enough to feel some movement. I was just surprised at the power this early on. I woke Chris up, but it was hard for him to feel anything. The next night, I woke up several times and felt several kicks. It just makes me smile every time. I think we have another little soccer player on our hands!

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