Tia is 30 inches long (35th percentile), 21 pounds 3 oz (25th percentile), and her head is 47 centimeters (70th percentile). She got a few meds for her eczema and ear problems. We always find out what we need to be doing more of and what we should be doing. As new parents, we don't always know if what we are doing is the best or right way, but of course pray that it is. Tia is getting bigger and boy is she sassy. She still is sweet as ever and so smart. If you ask her where her belly is, she'll put her finger right on her belly button. If you ask where her nose is, she'll touch her nose. She does this with her ears and eyes. I do know she picks up whatever you are doing so we really need to watch what we are doing. There is a biter in her class because she has been bitten three times...the poor baby. I really hope she does not pick that up and you know they are smart when you see them working as a team. One kid was leaning up against the door with his booty bumping up against it. I saw Tia walk over and line up next to him and do the same thing. I thought, how odd. Then the taller kid walked over and lined up next to them but he was under the door knob. In sync, they bumped the door with their booties at the same time and the tallest kids pulled the lever on the door. If no one was watching, they'd be long gone wandering the school. Talk about scary, but astonishing at the same time that they are so smart to work together. It reminds me of baby geniuses and is pretty neat to witness. Last night I was mopping the floor and I laid the Swifer mopper against the chair while I sweeped up some crumbs. Tia walks over and grabs the Swifer mopper and starts doing exactly what I was doing with it a few seconds ago. She did not want to give it up either and went over the entire floor. Amazing!!! She just cracks me up. Love that little girl.

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