Tia's first video was the Baby Einstein First Signs DVD that she watched probably hundreds of times by now. I know Chris and I probably know every song and tune on there. I was hoping Tia had picked up on some of the sign language but I really didn't practice much with her because I know that she'll pick things up on her own. I also know that her daycare teaches them things from time to time and you just never know what she'll surprise us with. While in Phoenix, Chris was feeding Tia some fruit snacks and when she wanted more, she looked up at her daddy and did the 'more' motion by taping her fingers together and she even said 'mua' that sort of sounded like 'ma' but if you knew she was saying more, you'd hear it. I came out of the shower and Chris said, 'what does this motion mean' and I said 'more' and he was absolutely amazed. 'Where did she learn that' and I just said either from the Baby Einstein DVD or from school. Either one, I think it was just a neat feeling to be able to communicate to us that she wanted more snacks. Of course, Chris was showing her off to everyone asking her if she wanted more and of course she'd do the motion. She is just amazing!

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