Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm in Love....Again

Words just can't describe this love that I have for Lexi. It is amazing and so deep. I just stare at her and kiss on her every chance I get. I am so in love again and I am so thankful. Last night Tia came home from school. This is the first time she saw Lexi since her visit in the hospital. I wondered how it would go. Would Tia be jealous, say 'my mommy' or become possessive? But she was really excited and loved looking at Lexi, rubbing her head, and kissing her. She kept bring her toys and saying 'here you go baby'. She seemed okay that I was holding her. The look Tia gave me when she saw me breastfeed Lexi was priceless...a look of absolute confusion. Tia is going to be a big sister and it made me see Tia in a whole new light. She looked so grown up, she looked like she had grown inches over the weekend, she looked so mature, and I just kept staring at her as if it was for the first time again. I just love Tia so much and love watching her get big. I can't wait to see the girls interact with each other and in a couple years become best of friends. I sat while holding Lexi and stared at Tia in awe. I am so in love with these two little girls and I LOVE it. I know Chris and I are just so happy with our little growing family. Proud parents just doesn't describe it!

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