Yesterday, Tia had her check up with the ear doctor to see how the tubes were coming along. He said that everything looks great and they are working wondrously. The best news is that she doesn't have to come back to see him for one full that must mean good things. I will say that I do think the tubes are working out great. She did get an ear infection a few weeks ago and boy was it hard to clean out the 'scewg' as Chris and I call it, and then give her the drops that she needed...she is getting so strong. But regardless, she did not have to miss any school which means we did not have to miss any work. Her teachers at school say she has been almost like a new person since the tubes were put in and I've noticed a difference too. I think she had great hearing before, but even more so now. I guess she has super sonic hearing like her momma...must be an asian thing, right Lisa? So I'm happy for Tia that she can enjoy being a baby and almost a toddler and not have to deal with being sick all the time. She's growing so fast and getting so big - I just want the best for her!

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