Before when Tia was saying Momma, she was just saying it and really not directing it to me. But the past few days, if I leave the room, she'll say momma as she is whining and as soon as I come over she'll stop saying it. Even this morning, I picked her up and she said momma while leaning in for a hug and then again when I tried to put her down at daycare and at first she went willingly to the teacher, but as soon as I started to walk away, she said momma in her oh so sweet little voice. She even had real tears so of course I had to scoop her up and ease her tears. I did distract her, however, with cheerios. I put her in the high chair/table and put some cheerios out and she could care less about me. She did look super cute in her lady bug costume for her Halloween party at school. I guess things never change for humans - food is always at the forefront of our wants.

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