Some of you may remember the day I went into labor with Tia and the sequence of events. If not, let me refresh your memory. It was Friday, December 18th and we went to my final check-up at the doctor. He said I was about 3 cm dialated and that if I didn't go into labor this weekend, then he'd induce me on Monday. He did help things along a bit more (break some membranes), but he had done this several times earlier in the week and we had just assumed we'd have to be induced. By this time, I had been having stronger contractions to the point where I wasn't sleeping that great. After we left the doctor, I told Chris I wanted Steak! So we tried to go to Kobe off Olive, but saw that it was closed. Since I was craving hibachi, we tried Shogun and it was too early for dinner and too late for lunch. So we called Texas Roadhouse and they were opening for dinner at 4pm, so we went to Wal-Mart to buy some time and as soon as we arrived at Texas Roadhouse, I had my first contraction. I got my handy iPod out with the Contraction Timer App and I hit 'start contraction'. I seriously thought I was dying when I got this horrible contraction. Chris wanted to know if I wanted to leave and I said, 'no, I want steak', so we stayed. The timer showed my contractions were about 4 minutes apart. I had read that if they are anything less than 5 minutes then we were supposed to go to the hospital, but I just kept thinking 'we just left there, why would I be going into labor now'. So we got to our table and ordered, I dealt with the pain of each contraction and Chris was sweating and worried. We got our food and I had another one...and this time he said 'if we have this baby at the Texas Roadhouse, I'll never forgive you'...I took one bite of the steak and gave him the signal. We quickly boxed up our food and got in the car. Chris called the emergency line of our doctor's office to confirm whether I needed to come in and they said 'YES' we were on our way back to the hospital. I was upset because I wasn't quite prepared and although we had our bags packed, I hadn't showered, hadn't had a BM in a few days, and my hair needed to look prettier.
Long story short, we made it to the hospital and several contractions, an epidural, and some waiting...our adorable baby girl was born. So our joke has always been that she could have been our Texas Roadhouse Baby and we've been meaning to go back there to eat. We tried on a weekend one time, but it was so packed. So last night, we had a house showing, so we decided to take baby girl up there and laugh about the day she was born. She loved it, especially when they started dancing to Thriller, she even danced a little and smiled really big. All I have to say is YUMMY and I finally got to have my Texas Roadhouse filet!

Long story short, we made it to the hospital and several contractions, an epidural, and some waiting...our adorable baby girl was born. So our joke has always been that she could have been our Texas Roadhouse Baby and we've been meaning to go back there to eat. We tried on a weekend one time, but it was so packed. So last night, we had a house showing, so we decided to take baby girl up there and laugh about the day she was born. She loved it, especially when they started dancing to Thriller, she even danced a little and smiled really big. All I have to say is YUMMY and I finally got to have my Texas Roadhouse filet!
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