I noticed a few days ago Tia leaning down and laying her head on this teddy bear on the floor. At first, I thought she was just tired, but then a few days later a doll was on the floor and I saw her lean down and lay her head on the doll, then pop up and start playing. Since then almost every time you put a doll or teddy bear near her, she gives it a hug. Super cute!! I just wonder where she picked that up or is that an instinct thing. Daycare doesn't have any dolls or stuff animals and I even asked them about it. They just said 'it is the darndest thing where they pick these things up.' I know I give Tia hugs all the time and when she is laying down, I put my head on her shoulder and kiss her cheek, but I just don't that she got it from watching me, but I could be wrong. She is just so darn cute with her little mannerisms. Makes me think she is going to be a lover and not a fighter.

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