I know all babies spit up and throw up, but I have never seen something so unbelievable as Tia when she has this projectile vomiting spell. Last week, Chris went to her daycare and actually witnessed a baby projectile vomiting. He was leery and for good reason, but nonetheless Tia caught it as well as a few other classmates. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday she was projectile vomiting for 3 to 5 seconds at a time. It looked so fake because it just kept coming and coming. I just felt so bad for her. One time she had it all over me, her carseat, my car, her face and body and she looked up at me and just smiled. So sweet. But she has also not been sleeping very well. She had me up all night last night and this morning. I'm going on 3 hours of sleep, but I just want my baby girl better. She wanted me to hold her while she slept and so I rocked her for hours last night until she was so conked out that I could put her down a little after midnight. This morning, she was up at 4am and all she wanted was me to hold her while she slept. It is so unfortunate she is sick, but there is some serenity when I get to hold her against my chest and rub her back. I love these moments when she is so needy because as we all know how independent they are so quickly. She is over at Katma's today and we are hoping she gets better and has a pukeless day so she can go back to daycare tomorrow.

ooo...gotta love the projectile vomiting...Samantha did that ALL. THE. TIME.