Friday, August 13, 2010

Weekend Get-a-Way

Chris and I are having our first full weekend away from Tia coming up.  She will be staying with her Katma for the entire weekend and I think she'll have a blast.  Her Uncle Dakota came back from the service recently so I know he is excited to see her as well.  I can tell you that I'm pretty excited myself. Not that I won't miss Tia dearly because I miss her even when I'm at work during the day, but I think for Chris and I to get out and do some stuff without having to worry about night-night time and waking up at 5:30am to feed her.  We'll have a chance to let loose and enjoy.  This will probably be our only weekend away from her this year so we will surely enjoy it! I hope she is a 'peach' for Katma!

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