I guess since Chris and I both grab Tia and squeeze her while saying 'Give me hugs' she has started to become such the hugger. The past two weeks ever since she had that last sickness, she has started to really hug us. She puts her head in the base of our necks and leans her head on out shoulder, puts her arms around our necks and gives us a big hug. Sometimes she'll even hold on it seems like forever. It is super sweet. I've noticed her do it more often the past couple weeks and now at daycare, everyone keeps commenting on it. Even a lady cleaning the floor last night who was holding Tia said 'she is so huggy, I love it' and she was. Especially when she is tired, she gives sweet hugs too. I know Chris and I are both huggers and so I'm happy to see she is picking up some of our good habits.

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