The cutest thing that Tia does right now is get super excited when she can jump. We found that if we hold her just above the end of the bed in front of the mirror, she'll jump and watch herself in the mirror. She gets this smile on her face that is so darling. She is smiling so much that you can see her gums and barely see her eyes. You can most certainly tell she is wanting to say 'watch me watch me jump'...and Daddy (or myself) will let her jump for a while until our arms are burning. Her legs just go to town on the bed. We do have a Jenny Jump-a-Roo that goes in the door and hangs down from the door frame and she loves it, but we can tell, she loves it more when we hold her up. The second you take her in the bedroom and she sees that mirror, she starts to pump her legs even before she touches the bed. So cute and I love seeing her so excited. But now that Daddy has spoiled her so much, she wants to do it all the time. As soon as someone holds her, she starts to pump her legs and jump up and down. Of course most people will let her jump, but their arms get tired and they have to stop...she just keeps going and glares at you if you stop. Even the Director of her school said something this morning to the fact that Tia was jumping up and down and Chris even told her 'yep, that's my fault'. And it is, but it is still the cutest thing ever.

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