Last night was my first night back to bowling and I was pleasantly surprised that Chris brought Tia up to see us. It was super sweet. At first, I was afraid the loudness of the bowling alley would scare her like it did when she was younger. In actuality, she loved it. She was checking out all the lights, following the sounds, checking everyone out, and had a smile from ear to ear. Everyone got to hold her and she just smiled, analyzed each person, jumped in joy, and just had a ball. It was really neat. A fellow league bowler named Trina had her daughter there as well. Trina is much younger than me, but her daughter Kayla is exactly 1 month to the day older than Tia. So when we were in our final weeks of bowling last November, we were bowling each other with our huge bellies. When our girls were born, we brought them in to see all the ladies bowl and commented that this was the next generation of bowlers. I am sure we'll take Tia bowling when she gets older and she'll just have to see for herself if she likes it!

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