This morning when I dropped Tia off at daycare, I walked into her room and there were 2 teachers and the director of the daycare Jill. For months, we've been putting our hands in front of Tia saying 'you want to come to us' and just hoping she'd put her arms out and make that lunge for us. This morning I was taking her out of her carseat and as soon as I was standing with her, she lunged for Jill. She not only had her arms out like a dive, but she lunged too. It was so cute. She instantly gave Jill a big squeeze and hugged her tightly. I was excited for her to finally show that side of her. The other two teachers asked Tia if she wanted to come to them, but she buried her head in Jill's chest and squeezed tightly signifying that she did not want to go to them. I couldn't help but burst out laughing although I feel bad now since they are with her all day long. So I had to test it out to see if she'd come to mommy. I went over and put my arms out and said 'you want to come to mommy'. She hesitated and gave me a look that said 'I better or mommy will kick my butt' and she put her arms out gesturing that she wanted to come to me. I instantly gave her right back since I had to put her stuff away and fill out her daily sheet. But it was so cute and I was excited for her to start making effort to go to people.

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