Up to this point, I have never seen Tia have any sort of temper tantrum and really not much fussiness. She has been a really happy and good baby and we've been blessed. However, after she got her 6 month shots, as well as had an ear infection, she has not been herself as much lately as she was before Friday. If she gets mad now, she'll arch her back and start kicking her legs while screaming out. Things like changing her clothes are now not her approved actions and she gets super mad. This morning, in face, I was cleaning out her nose and she got so mad that she even started to cry with real tears. I seriously hardly ever see real tears and I just couldn't believe it. I know she is a bit under the weather, but I hate to see baby girl upset. Of course, within a few minutes, she was her happy self again. I really hope she snaps out of these temper tantrums though. Every time she has one, I say to Chris 'so how many kids do you want' and we both chuckle. We just love her so much and hate to see her under the weather.

Yep, she's daddy's little girl....LOL