Last week, I was out of town for work all week long from Monday through Friday. I had a work trip to the Womens' Business Enterprise National Conference and Business Fair in Baltimore, Maryland. Before last week, I had only spent 2 nights on 2 separate occasions away from Tia. I knew I'd be missing her and Chris so much. It was actually the longest period of time I had been away from Chris since we've met. I was really excited for him to have this bonding time with Tia and see how it would go. I did feel bad that he had to get up at 5:30am/6:00am every morning for an entire week for the first time since she was born. We skyped the first night and I was able to see her via video feed and it was precious, but I think seeing her made me miss her even more. I felt like I was in the service overseas and having QT time with my family via video/phone. It really made me appreciate all of the armed men and women giving up much of their every day life to serve for our country away from their families. I know that I don't want to miss a beat with Tia and I can't imagine not being there for all of her milestones. The week went well professionally and personally, I tried not to think much about baby girl except when I had to peak at her picture or I was showing her off to someone I was networking with. I could not wait to see my baby girl and amazing husband.

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