Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy 6 Month Birthday to Baby Girl

Today, June 19th, Tia is 6 months old. She is getting so big! She gets to spend part of today with Katma because it was the first time Tia has spent the night somewhere other than home. We had an event last night and during the day today, so we let Katma keep Tia over night. Chris was super cute because when we got back late last night, he drove by there to peak in on her....he said he had to get his medicine that he had left, but I am pretty sure he just wanted to see his baby girl. She is just such a happy baby and I just love her so darn much. It just amazes me how she responds to Chris and me when we talk to her. Her face lights up, she talks and has conversations with us, and she gives us hugs and kisses. I just can't imagine my life without her. Happy Half Birthday baby girl - you mean the world to me and daddy!

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