Up to this point, I have never seen Tia have any sort of temper tantrum and really not much fussiness. She has been a really happy and good baby and we've been blessed. However, after she got her 6 month shots, as well as had an ear infection, she has not been herself as much lately as she was before Friday. If she gets mad now, she'll arch her back and start kicking her legs while screaming out. Things like changing her clothes are now not her approved actions and she gets super mad. This morning, in face, I was cleaning out her nose and she got so mad that she even started to cry with real tears. I seriously hardly ever see real tears and I just couldn't believe it. I know she is a bit under the weather, but I hate to see baby girl upset. Of course, within a few minutes, she was her happy self again. I really hope she snaps out of these temper tantrums though. Every time she has one, I say to Chris 'so how many kids do you want' and we both chuckle. We just love her so much and hate to see her under the weather.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Solid Foods
Alright Moms out there - I want to hear about what you are doing with your kids with solid foods for anyone who has had babies within the past 10 years. Now that they have all the formula, 1st foods, 2nd foods, and recommendations - I just want to hear how you started out your babies on solid foods. Tia loves most of her solid foods, especially applesauce. She opens her mouth super wide and chomps right down. It is so cute and I can't help but say 'you're such a big girl.' She loves airplane when daddy does it, but knows mommy is more down to business, lol. One thing is for sure - it definitely is a lot messier!

6 Month Doc Appt
Tia had her 6 month doctor's appointment and yet again, another ear infection in one ear. The poor thing to be back on antibiotics and also getting her 6 month shots. She had four in the legs and luckily for me, I didn't witness it because I was just arriving via airplane into STL at the time of her appointment. I did however meet Chris and Tia at the doctor's office and when I arrived, Chris's face said it all - he was glazed over like he had witnessed the unspeakable. I just felt so bad for him to have to witness her pain. Last time, he had to console not only Tia, but me also me - it is just heartbreaking. She weighed almost 16 lbs and is about 26 inches long. She is growing up fast, that's for sure. When we got her home, she had a fever and that coupled with the ear infection left for an unhappy baby. I just felt so bad for our little girl. But I am happy to report that she is healthy and hitting many of her 6 month milestones.

Daddy & Tia All Week
Last week, I was out of town for work all week long from Monday through Friday. I had a work trip to the Womens' Business Enterprise National Conference and Business Fair in Baltimore, Maryland. Before last week, I had only spent 2 nights on 2 separate occasions away from Tia. I knew I'd be missing her and Chris so much. It was actually the longest period of time I had been away from Chris since we've met. I was really excited for him to have this bonding time with Tia and see how it would go. I did feel bad that he had to get up at 5:30am/6:00am every morning for an entire week for the first time since she was born. We skyped the first night and I was able to see her via video feed and it was precious, but I think seeing her made me miss her even more. I felt like I was in the service overseas and having QT time with my family via video/phone. It really made me appreciate all of the armed men and women giving up much of their every day life to serve for our country away from their families. I know that I don't want to miss a beat with Tia and I can't imagine not being there for all of her milestones. The week went well professionally and personally, I tried not to think much about baby girl except when I had to peak at her picture or I was showing her off to someone I was networking with. I could not wait to see my baby girl and amazing husband.

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy 6 Month Birthday to Baby Girl
Today, June 19th, Tia is 6 months old. She is getting so big! She gets to spend part of today with Katma because it was the first time Tia has spent the night somewhere other than home. We had an event last night and during the day today, so we let Katma keep Tia over night. Chris was super cute because when we got back late last night, he drove by there to peak in on her....he said he had to get his medicine that he had left, but I am pretty sure he just wanted to see his baby girl. She is just such a happy baby and I just love her so darn much. It just amazes me how she responds to Chris and me when we talk to her. Her face lights up, she talks and has conversations with us, and she gives us hugs and kisses. I just can't imagine my life without her. Happy Half Birthday baby girl - you mean the world to me and daddy!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Belly Sleeper
We've swaddled Tia up until this point, but have been letting her sleep on her own lately. I was waiting for her to be confident in rolling from back to front then from front to back. She has finally gotten to the point where she doesn't struggle with it. So that is when I told Chris, we'd be ready let her sleep unswaddled. Of course, the first night, she would bang her legs and arms onto the bed and roll incessantly, but finally after about 1.5 hours, she finally fell asleep face down. I rolled her over onto her back and since she was so tired, she didn't fight it. She slept with her arms extended above her head almost the entire night. In the morning, when I was taking a shower, she must have rolled back over because this is how I found her. It just scares me to death. Daycare says she does the same thing and they will wait until she is asleep then turn her head more. I wish she would do it on her own, but she loves to bury her head into the sheets. It is going to take us some time to get her to go down on her own, but I'm confident she will soon enough. What a cutie.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Cutie Pic from Mother's Day
Tia is the cutest! When she wakes up from a nap, she will whine until one of us comes to get her. The minute she sees you and knows you are coming to 'save her' - she smiles really big. On Mother's Day, I had taken care of Tia all morning and when Chris got home from some errands, I relaxed on the couch and was playing on the computer. Tia started to whimper and so we knew she wanted up. I kept saying 'Chris, do you mind grabbing her' and he didn't do anything but ignore me. I even made the comment - 'wow, it's Mother's Day hon, you mind' and nothing. Chris knows I can't stand to let her get to the crying point and so I run into the room to find not only my beautiful smiley daughter, but a card from her - isn't that precious. And yes, we still swaddle.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Graduating to Big Girl Diapers
We've graduated Tia to bigger diapers (2) because she has grown bigger than her normal diapers. Which was perfect timing because the last diaper I used became an explosion. She had poop all over her blanket, her onzie, up her back and she even pooped on her doll named Little Angie. So we are pretty happy to have bigger diapers to use now. Hopefully it will be awhile until any more explosions.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Solid Foods
We've been introducing solid foods to Tia for a couple months, but now we are a strict regimen of fruits twice a day. We have her 1st applesauce and 1st bananas supply ready to go. She gets half a container twice a day and she loves it. She gobbles it right down and opens her mouth for the next bite. It is super cute. I love seeing her in her bumbo sitting up like a big girl and eating her big girl food.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Aunt Liza!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Another Ear Infection?
Tia went to the doctor yesterday because we saw signs of an other ear infection. She weighed 15.7 lbs. Doctor says as of now, it is just a common cold and since our entire family has been sick off and on the past few weeks, Doc says it is because we are also getting it from the daycare. Once a year has passed, we will all be more used to it and won't get as sick as often while going. I have a feeling that her common cold will turn into another ear infection, but we are hopeful that it won't. The poor thing has had her share of ear infections already!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
She's Getting So Big
I seriously think Tia grew over night. We have our morning play-time where I get some quality time just talking, laughing, smiling, and loving on Tia. This morning, she seemed taller all of a sudden. It was the strangest feeling, but a good one, of course. Then, when I took her to daycare, I was carrying her car seat in and it seemed so much heavier than yesterday. I know babies can go through growth spurts, but wow - I didn't know I could actually tell a difference in just 12 hours. She has always been in the higher percentiles for height and has been wearing 6 month clothes since she was 4 months. Next week, she'll officially be 6 months and I am already digging into the 9 month clothes. It is just crazy! But thankfully we have soooo many clothes that it won't be a problem.

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tia's First Dolls
The past month we've introduced some baby dolls to Tia. We gave her a little plush baby doll that is super cute. She instantly grabbed the braids and hits the baby on the ground. When that baby doll got puked on, we went and grabbed another one out of her toy bin that was a bit bigger but had bigger, easier to grab, braids. She would grab this doll's braids by both hands and bang the baby on the ground. Then when that baby got puked on, we grabbed another one that looks like an Asian doll. Chris named her Little Angie or Little Mommy. Tia also loves holding onto her braids and throwing her around banging her down on the ground. Then one day we were driving and Tia had the medium sized baby doll and I said 'are you playing with Ginger' and Chris started laughing because he wanted to know where I came up with Ginger. I explained that I just threw it out there because her hair was a ginger color. Of course, Chris named the smaller baby doll Maryann because he thinks of Giligan's Island when he hears Ginger. So we have Little Angie, Maryann, and Ginger as her baby dolls. What I love is that she loves giving them kisses.
Thumb Sucker
So Tia has finally found her thumb and I am pretty sure she is going to be a thumb sucker. She just loves having her thumbs in her mouth. It is super cute too because her other fingers are still stretched out, so she hasn't learned how to curl her fingers into a fist yet. But we still try to get her to use her binkie or not suck on her thumb, but she seems pretty determined. I wasn't a finger sucker, but Chris was, so I guess we'll see how Tia turns out.
Friday, June 4, 2010
She Screams in Joy When She Sees Me
I love picking Tia up from daycare because she screams and smiles so big when she sees me. I just love it so much. Then when I pick her up, she squeezes me and just is so happy. I know she does the same for Chris too and it is super precious. I just wish I could play with her, but I have to put her in the car seat and get her home. But once we get home, we play and have a ball. She is so much fun and loves to show off, etc. Watching her grow up is one of the greatest gifts I could have ever asked for. She is darling!
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