This morning was the first time, I picked Tia up and thought, 'wow, she's getting heavy' and then I just kept looking at her and how much she's grown. Boy has she gotten so big. The Director of Tia's daycare is also my sponsor in Thirty-One and at our big meeting this week, Jill brought her newborn Marley. Marley just seemed sooo small and tiny. She looked so fragile and her sounds were so cute. Jill reminded me that Marley is 9+ lbs and Tia weighed only 6.5 lbs when she was born. It really was hard for me to picture Tia that small, let along a third smaller. Wow...Tia has gotten so big and she is growing so fast. She is a year and a half and time just seems to be flying by. They say that they grow up fast and boy are they right. What is funny about Jill/Marley is that Tia loved Jill for the first 6 or so months that she was going to the daycare. She'd light up when she saw Jill and she become one of the only people Tia would gravitate to. But as soon as Jill got pregnant...Tia became snobbish and wouldn't have much to do with her. The other day Jill brought Marley in to daycare and Jill said Tia just gave her a look of disgust, almost like she'd be saying 'what is that! a baby!'. I just laugh because I wonder what is going to happen when we have baby #2 (no I'm not pregnant), but once we do get pregnant and have another baby, will Tia become territorial OR love the baby sibling like a Big Sister should be interesting. All I know is that she has grown so much! Crazy!

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