Tia's Uncle Brandon is graduating from high school on Friday. Although, me nor Chris are attending, Tia is going to be there to cheer him on. I have to admit, if there is one person that she just lights up when she sees, it is Brandon. None of us know what makes him more popular than the rest of us, but is is the cutest thing ever. As if she just saw a movie star, she starts to get really excited and happy. She has a big grin and she gives him a big hug and lots of kisses. It is so stinking sweet. Tia has lots of Aunts and Uncles since I have 6 siblings and Chris has 3 siblings. Not to mention all the other 'faux' Aunts and Uncles Tia has that support and love her. She's one lucky kid!

Did I tell you that at the graduation, she spotted Brandon, and she kept putting her arms out to him to come get her. Then she started blowing him kisses. It was so cute! We happened to be sitting next to all of the teachers, and they just thought she was adorable the way she kept going on with Brandon. It's funny because Tia reminds me of the way Julianne used to act whenever she saw Chris! LOL