What is a poppie? Well Tia says Poppie, pronouced Paw-Pee all the time. Besides Kee-Ka (cookie), Poppie is her other favorite word. Well as most babies do, that is a dog or puppie. She loves them! She lights up when she sees one in person, hears a dog bark, or even sees one on TV. She knows exactly when the one on Barney is going to appear, because she'll start saying Poppy right before. She also calls other things Poppy too, like she called Leslie's cat Poppie and when I showed her some other animals, she said Poppy. I think she is just a natural animal lover just like her 'Aunt' Liza is. Tia will pet puppies the entire time if she could and chases them around the house when we are in the presence of a puppy or dog. I wouldn't say Chris and I are pet lovers. Maybe because we are bit selfish with our time. I've just never been really big into pets. If I had to choose a pet, I'd would want a cat for sure. They are loving and cuddly. They are self maintaining if you are gone for a bit and they are in your face every minute...they also don't slobber. Growing up, we had outdoor pets. In fact, when I was born, my dad was a dog trainer and had 20 or so baby doberman puppies. He kept the mom (Babe) and one puppy (Louger). I loved Louger and he grew as I did. I hated when I accidentally let him out of the gate as I was so in trouble, but he was a great outdoor dog. I loved pets at that time, but you know how the stories go...a childhood traumatic experience always changes that. I was 4 or 5 and my parents were having a block party. My dad would take me around the neighborhood. He'd stand at the foot of someone's sidewalk and watch me walk up and put the paper in the door or knock and hand them the invite. There was one house that had to big dobermans and I wasn't scared at all. I walked in and I saw them barking and running around the house. I was so excited. I realized as they approached that they didn't have that loving demeanor like Louger did. I started to run myself into the door. One doberman was too quick and sunk his teeth right into my butt cheek. He wouldn't let go. I screamed out and my dad ran up and got me. He was shocked because they weren't mean to my dad, only me...a kid. So ever since then, I've been a bit on the 'not sure I'll ever be a dog lover' side of things. Later we did get a puppy named Sam who was a chow/mutt from my 7 years old days through I was 16. Great dog! My mom had a dalmatian named Woody. He was the smartest dog ever - he could really count and he was a lover. But I only saw him when I visited which wasn't that often. Later in life, my mom got two cats Sassy and Mikey. They were great cats. So I lean more towards cats and if I were to get a dog, it would be an outside one. You never know though - one day down the road a pet will most likely be in our future. I'm thinking more of a hamster like I had growing up, lol Either way, when you hear Tia say Poppy, she's is telling you she loves dogs!

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