Thursday, May 19, 2011

Miss Sensitive

So lately, we've noticed that Tia gets her feelings hurt easily.  We have noticed that if we raise our voice to her when she isn't listening or eating, she will give you a big wide eyed look, look down for a second, and I can tell she is trying everything she can not to get upset, but all of a sudden the water works come out and she screams out in sadness. Quite honestly, it is one of the hardest things as a parent to see. I have always been the sensitive type and I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve...even more so now that I'm older.  Chris is also (my opinion) a sensitive type too. No, he doesn't cry, but I do know that he does get his feelings hurt easily as well.  So I guess the Norris clan is an emotional bunch.  I don't mind it at all because that is who I am and what helps make me the passionate person that I am.  I know that Tia is just acting out as a reaction to our actions and thus we'll have to just know that we have to be a bit more calm when we are trying to make a point with her. It is so amazing how 'grown up' they are even at a year and 15 months (17 months today)...just the interaction and deep thought I can tell Tia has is miraculous. Although, we absolutely hate it when we hurt her feelings, but I do love seeing her personality really shine out. Truly amazing and sweet!

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