Tia is still having signs of loose stools and a sore butt, so Daddy is staying home with Tia today. I went up to Wal-greens this morning and got her some Soy for Diarrhea for her to take...doctor's orders. But I can say that Tia is still happy as can be and although she was up a lot last night because she wanted to play (smiles when I'd look in on her), she was in a great mood again this morning. So hopefully her poopy diapers will start being more solid and we can get her back to daycare and on to a regular schedule!!!

when parker has the 'runs' we give him lots of yogurt, appelsauce, mashed potatoes and even probiotics (like the kind at whole foods in a refridgerated bottle). just a friendly tip if you are looking for other options : )
ReplyDeleteWhen Tommy was just past the 6 months old mark, he had about 5 days of really loose stools, and was going ALL the time. The doctor had us switch him to the soy formula for a few days and it definitely helped. The doctor determined his body was just having a problem digesting stuff. Hope Tia is feeling better soon!