My mom and her husband are in town for a few days so we decided to put the pack-n-play in Tia's room and see how the girls would do sharing a room. Now, we know that Lexi is hit and miss on sleeping through the night and especially with her sickness last week, she hasn't been sleeping all that well. When she cries it sounds like she is hurt, but she is just a passionate little girl and when she wants something, she lets you know! She hadn't slept most of the day and with no naps, it was hard telling if Lexi would go down easily. Finally after 8:00pm, she decided she had had enough and went to sleep. Tia was really great and was super quiet and watched TV quietly. She always puts up a fight when it is time to go to bed, but she did pretty good considering. We forgot to move the baby monitor into our room and with our turbo fans and door closed, I didn't hear a thing. But I noticed this morning that Lexi had a blanket and two tissues in her crib. Not sure if the tissues were for her nose or what, but I thought it was funny. My mom woke up right when I was leaving with the girls this morning and said Lexi was crying for a while and so she rocked her back to bed. This morning, Lexi drank an entire bottle, so I bet she was hungry. I asked Tia if Lexi cried much and she said yes. It was super cute. I am happy they are getting a flavor of sharing a room, because in the long run, they will be. They have bunk beds, although Tia won't be able to sleep on the top bunk until she is 6 or so. But what is great is the bunk beds are stacked so we can use them independently as beds. Lexi will be in her crib for a while though. I guess we'll see how they do the rest of the week while my mom is visiting. Hope they both can get some sleep!

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