So Tia has been potty training for awhile now and was doing really good for some time, then all of a sudden she started saying no, when we'd ask her. She has a report at daycare so we can see her progress there and from the beginning, she has done okay. Probably about half the time, she'll go on the potty. What is amazing is that when she was around 24 months, she went on the potty for the first time and went 'poopie'. So we thought she was going to just automatically get potty training. We do have to admit, we haven't pressured her much into it. Since we really only get to see her for a couple to a few hours at night and a very short time in the morning, we decided to let daycare do the core hours and we'd follow suit. The other challenge is that many people say to start potty training when her diaper is dry through the night. Unfortunately, Tia has always had wet diapers through the night. I think, there was 1 time and I was pretty amazed. We realized that if Tia gets potty trained, then she has the potential to move up to the next class which means cheaper daycare fees for her. So we've been on a mission for a few weeks now and we are using bribery to do it. Talk about magic! Before, she would just say 'no thanks' when we'd ask her to go. Now that she knows there is candy involved, she goes every chance she gets. At home, she goes 5 or 6 times in one day on the weekend, which is such an amazing improvement. During the week, she goes in the morning and before bed time. She just loves her candy. We are desperate and we know how we feel about food, so why not. We are so proud of our little girl! She's getting so big.

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