Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mom & Dad

When we say Tia is growing up fast, there are some areas where we are not exaggerating.  She is approaching three, sleeping in a big girl bed with no rail, decides on many things like what she wants to eat, and just acts like a little lady from time to time.  One thing though that cracks me up is that she calls us Mom and Dad.  Not Mommy and Daddy any longer.  Well, only when she isn't feeling good or is in trouble.  But on a regular basis, she has been calling us Mom and Dad for several months now.  If you ask her what our names are, she knows Daddy's name is Chris. She has no idea my name is Angie yet.  It actually drives Chris crazy when Tia is trying to get his attention and she yells to him 'Dad...Dad....Dad...Daddy....' and when no answer 'Chris!'  It definitely gets him to turn and look at her in amazement.  It always cracks me up.  She has been calling me Mom for so long now that it is almost as if Mommy wasn't around for long.  It just makes me think she is growing up so fast by already calling me Mom.  This morning we walked into daycare and there was a huge poster on the front wall that had a ton of pairs of hands with the name above it. I was checking the girls into the computer system and she chanted 'Hey Mom, look'....'Hey Mom, look' until I finally looked and she showed me her pair of hands and name. I was actually quite impressed she knew where her name/hands were on this gigantic poster and then I laughed out loud when I realized she was saying 'Hey Mom' - it just cracks me up every time.  It doesn't bother me at all. I think she knows it makes her sound older. Tia is quite amazing with Lexi too.  She has not shown much animosity or jealousy with Lexi. I think she realizes she is young and a baby.  She is crankier in the morning, but most of the time Tia is very protective of Lexi.  She tells everyone not to touch her. She shares her toys with her and instead of snatching out a toy from Lexi's hands, she replaces it first with another toy. Playing soccer every Monday now, closing her door when we are home so she gets privacy, going on the potty all by herself, and calling us Mom/Dad - she is growing up!

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