Lexi is almost 9 months old and I thought I'd never see the say when she was sleeping all through the night without requiring a feeding or diaper change or just a binkie insertion. Last Friday, Lexi slept straight through for the first time, with no peep that I heard. The night before that she woke up for her feeding at 3, but when I went in there, she found a binkie was and quickly back to sleep. I knew it was getting close. I didn't mind doing feedings in the middle of the night only because I know in time they figure it out and don't require it anymore. Lexi had been sleeping from 7:30ish until 3:00am almost every night for months now. I knew it wouldn't be long until that 3:00am moved ever so slightly until 5:30am or 6:00am when I get myself and the girls up for our day. I've also been training myself to not listen to every peep from the monitor and not to respond to every need. I know each cry and what it means, so I respond differently each time. Lexi use to have the hurt cry when she was hungry and I always respond to the hurt cry. But what I've come to find out is that she has a little fiery temper and she is not afraid to use it when she wants it. The other factor is that up until she was 6 months, the girl did not know how to roll from her front to her back, so she would sleep face into the mattress and for peace of mind purposes, we would have her sleep in her carseat. It wasn't until the doctor let us know that she'd be find sleeping face down now that she was 6 months+ that we started integrating her sleeping all by herself in her crib. Over the past couple months, she's slowly learned how to fall asleep in her crib which has been really nice. I put a ton of binkies in the crib with her so she can find one when she needs. I guess I love teaching independence at an early age with my kids. I try not to enable them if I can help it. All in all, Lexi is now sleeping through the night - I just love it. If she cries a bit, I can hear her figure it out and fall back asleep. So mommy is getting more sleep these days too! Yay!

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