Friday, July 13, 2012

Tia's Ears are Great

Tia went to the ear doctor this week. I have been eager to know how she is doing. I know some times with kids who get tubes in their ears, they can develop some level of hearing loss. I was so afraid of this. Tia had her hearing test first. She did phenomenal. She passed everything. Of course, she was a ham too. She was entertaining the two specialists and was jumping for joy when they gave her a sticker. We went to see Doctor Forsen, her ENT. Ironically, Meamaw Kathi had started working for Doctor Forsen's office shortly after she graduated with her Medical Assistant degree. Of course when Tia saw Meamaw, she went running and jumped into her arms. Once we got into the doctor's room and it was just me and Tia, Tia froze up realizing that this was not a place she wanted to be. Doctor Forsen came in and with his soft voice spoke to Tia. She had not to do with him until he said the word 'sucker'. Then her face lit up and basically was willing to do whatever he asked. She turned her head so he could look in 1 ear and then the other. She opened her mouth, looked up at the ceiling, and said 'ahhhhh'. She was just so excited about the sucker. Dr. Forsen said her ears look great. She lost one of her tubes but her ear looks great. The other still has the tube halfway falling out, but we decided to let it fall out on its own. He said that he was very pleased about Tia's ears. Yay!

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