Monday, July 23, 2012

Lexi's Toe

Lexi has a bad callous on her middle toe. It started out like a small bump, but keeps growing larger and larger. It is a very tough, hard mass. The doctor says it is a callous, but I'm just not quite sure. I get why it could definitely be a callous, but it just seems weird that it is growing bigger and bigger. It is right near her toe nail and it seems to be moving down her toe so that her toe nail is getting smaller and smaller over time. She does not act like it hurts her, but it hurts me to see it on her. Of course, we don't want to see our children in pain or have deformities. The doctor said that she may have to have it removed one day if it starts to bother her, but for the time being, I think we'll just have to let it run it's course. My poor baby!

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