Monday, July 9, 2012

New Mommy Mobile

Our family has a new vehicle. I love my BMW X5, but we couldn't pass up buying this new Nissan Murano. One of our dear friend's lease was up and she was getting ready to get a new car instead of buying the lease out. Therefore, we were able to snatch it up and buy it. Knowing that the Murano has 100,000 less miles, is a safe vehicle, and is exactly the type of car I like - we just couldn't pass it up. My BMW has 162,000 miles on it, has it's aches and pains, and has been a great vehicle for 5 and a half years. Honestly, I'd keep it if I didn't have the girls. However, knowing that I have some precious cargo now with Tia and Lexi - I want to make sure our vehicles are safe. For the past two weeks, I've been driving both cars here and there. Tia would say 'Mommy's car' then point to the Murano and say 'My Car' - so cute. I'm loving my new ride!!!!!

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