Thursday, July 12, 2012

Family Wedding

When I was pregnant with Tia, Chris's cousin Jeremy still lived with us. I remember being 7 months pregnant and walking up the driveway when Jeremy was living with us. He and Chris lived together for over 5 years before I moved in. Jeremy moved out two months before Tia was born. He is now a father himself and married Leslie last Saturday. Even though the wedding was an outdoor wedding outside with 108 degree weather, I have to say it was one of the funnest weddings I've been to. I actually was pretty comfortable but being a girl, I was able to wear a strapless dress that was quite comfy. Chris was the best man and was in a tux and was quite hot for a while. He wasn't feeling the greatest, but prevailed giving a great toast and doing his best to enjoy himself. I was having a blast, but I always do with Chris's family. Congrats Jeremy, Leslie, and Elliot.

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