Saturday, July 28, 2012
Instant Friends
A week or so ago, my long lasting friend Angela and I drove down to see an old/dear friend Nikki who lives in Springfield, IL. Nikki, Angela, and I all worked together at A.G. Edwards back in the early 2000s. We had a blast together and have remained close over the years. Distance and life have caused us not to see each other as often as we would have liked, but we always pick up where we left off. So Nikki moved to Texas for several years and is back in the midwest. We've been meaning to get together, but just have not been able to set plans, so we just decided to do it! We loved their house and Tia loved getting to know Nikki's children, Chloe and Dominick. They all seemed to be instant friends! Can't wait to get them together again soon.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tia's Dark Legs
When Tia was born, I made the comment, she was my 'white white' baby. I said this because I was hoping Tia would get a little bit of my color, but she wasn't very dark when she was born. Of course, I love her all the same, and then I just prayed she'd tan as easy as I do. Well, it is safe to say that she definitely tans as easy as I do. She goes outside everyday at daycare and her legs are very dark. I am happy she has the opportunity to have a good complexion. I've really never had to worry about burning, etc. I hope she doesn't either. She is so adorable!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Lexi's Toe
Lexi has a bad callous on her middle toe. It started out like a small bump, but keeps growing larger and larger. It is a very tough, hard mass. The doctor says it is a callous, but I'm just not quite sure. I get why it could definitely be a callous, but it just seems weird that it is growing bigger and bigger. It is right near her toe nail and it seems to be moving down her toe so that her toe nail is getting smaller and smaller over time. She does not act like it hurts her, but it hurts me to see it on her. Of course, we don't want to see our children in pain or have deformities. The doctor said that she may have to have it removed one day if it starts to bother her, but for the time being, I think we'll just have to let it run it's course. My poor baby!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Talking Tia
Tia is constantly talking. We love that she can form complete sentences and have full conversations with us, as well as her being a little show boat, BUT wow, she is non-stop energy to the fullest. From the minute we pick her up at school to the minute she goes to bed, it is 'look at this', 'come on let's go play', 'hey mommy, hey daddy', 'why', 'what's that', singing - singing - and more - singing, etc. etc. etc. It is so entertaining and she is sooo sweet, but wow - she can really talk. I love that she is social!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
The Norris's Future Lock

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Lexi's Sick
Lexi has been sick the past several days. Not sure what she has, but a stomach flu has it our family over the past couple weeks. Chris was in his cousin Jeremy's wedding and the entire wedding party had the flu the week prior to the wedding. Then after the rehearsal dinner, Chris came down with it and even was sick during the wedding. It seems to be a 48 hour stomach flu. Major headache, stomach cramps, no appetite, can't move/can't eat/can't do anything but lay there in the fetal position. Oh and you are either vomiting or have major runny diarrhea every time you go. My Aunt Kina watched the girls during the wedding and she got it. Then I had it (boy was I miserable), then Meamaw Kathi got it, and I heard Chris's sister had it.
Well not sure if this is what Lexi has, but over the past three days, she has had a mustard, seedy, runny BM pretty much every hour or two. Her poor bottom is so red and raw that she was screaming out in pain. Sunday night, she cried all night and Tia nor myself got much sleep. Then Monday night, I had Lexi all to myself and she did not sleep a wink. I think I got a 45 minute sleep here or there throughout the night.
Last night, Lexi surprised me and slept 10 hours straight from 6pm to 4am. This is the longest she's slept and no BM during this time so I was hopeful that she was over this bug. However, this morning at 7, she had a BM. It wasn't runny and it wasn't mustardy, but it was still seedy. So I am hoping it is starting to turn a corner.
We've been letting her air out as much as possible and using so many ointments to protect and create a barrier. I pray this is over soon. My vacation from me being sick last week and now Lexi is depleting quickly! lol
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012
Tia's Ears are Great
Tia went to the ear doctor this week. I have been eager to know how she is doing. I know some times with kids who get tubes in their ears, they can develop some level of hearing loss. I was so afraid of this. Tia had her hearing test first. She did phenomenal. She passed everything. Of course, she was a ham too. She was entertaining the two specialists and was jumping for joy when they gave her a sticker. We went to see Doctor Forsen, her ENT. Ironically, Meamaw Kathi had started working for Doctor Forsen's office shortly after she graduated with her Medical Assistant degree. Of course when Tia saw Meamaw, she went running and jumped into her arms. Once we got into the doctor's room and it was just me and Tia, Tia froze up realizing that this was not a place she wanted to be. Doctor Forsen came in and with his soft voice spoke to Tia. She had not to do with him until he said the word 'sucker'. Then her face lit up and basically was willing to do whatever he asked. She turned her head so he could look in 1 ear and then the other. She opened her mouth, looked up at the ceiling, and said 'ahhhhh'. She was just so excited about the sucker. Dr. Forsen said her ears look great. She lost one of her tubes but her ear looks great. The other still has the tube halfway falling out, but we decided to let it fall out on its own. He said that he was very pleased about Tia's ears. Yay!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Family Wedding
When I was pregnant with Tia, Chris's cousin Jeremy still lived with us. I remember being 7 months pregnant and walking up the driveway when Jeremy was living with us. He and Chris lived together for over 5 years before I moved in. Jeremy moved out two months before Tia was born. He is now a father himself and married Leslie last Saturday. Even though the wedding was an outdoor wedding outside with 108 degree weather, I have to say it was one of the funnest weddings I've been to. I actually was pretty comfortable but being a girl, I was able to wear a strapless dress that was quite comfy. Chris was the best man and was in a tux and was quite hot for a while. He wasn't feeling the greatest, but prevailed giving a great toast and doing his best to enjoy himself. I was having a blast, but I always do with Chris's family. Congrats Jeremy, Leslie, and Elliot.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
5 More Mimutes
Tia is so cute. When she is playing something she loves, but won't give it up so she can go to bed, we'll say '5 more minutes', '4 more minutes', etc. Well, it has come back on us lately. Now she is using that same line of thinking with us. Chris was on the iPad and Tia ran over and said 'My Turn' and Chris said 'Tia, can you share with daddy' and Tia said 'okay daddy, 5 more mimutes'. We were cracking up. She has been using that lately - and negotiates too. I'll give Tia one cookie and she'll say 'two' before she even eats the first. That girl is so cute and smart!
Monday, July 9, 2012
New Mommy Mobile
Our family has a new vehicle. I love my BMW X5, but we couldn't pass up buying this new Nissan Murano. One of our dear friend's lease was up and she was getting ready to get a new car instead of buying the lease out. Therefore, we were able to snatch it up and buy it. Knowing that the Murano has 100,000 less miles, is a safe vehicle, and is exactly the type of car I like - we just couldn't pass it up. My BMW has 162,000 miles on it, has it's aches and pains, and has been a great vehicle for 5 and a half years. Honestly, I'd keep it if I didn't have the girls. However, knowing that I have some precious cargo now with Tia and Lexi - I want to make sure our vehicles are safe. For the past two weeks, I've been driving both cars here and there. Tia would say 'Mommy's car' then point to the Murano and say 'My Car' - so cute. I'm loving my new ride!!!!!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
No Ear Infections
I took Lexi to the doctor last week because she finished her ear infection medicine on Tuesday and still sounded awful. I just wanted to make sure she was okay. The good news is that she has no ear infections! Yay! She has a small bug that only needs some nebulizer treatments. She weighed almost 16 pounds.
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