I have to admit, I'm not a clean freak. I love having our house as clean as it possibly can be, however I'm more of 'everything has its place'. I'm more OCD about tidy-ness and having a hazard free place. I wish I loved to clean, but I think I had to do it so much growing up that I just hate it now. My mom, however, loves to clean. I'm not just talking because she needs to. She cleans because she loves to clean. In fact, she was a house cleaner for some Rams players, some big ritzy houses in Ladue, and even cleans some of my coworker's and friends' houses. I have to give her a lot of props to do this for other people. I'm thinking that Tia is more like my mom in that she seems to have a thing for cleaning. Most of you know that Chris and I both have a super analytical demeanor and she also has a hyper sense of analyzing things. If she sees something on the ground, no matter how small, she will pick it up and hand it to me. She also cleans her high chair tray when she is done by handing me all the excess food or pieces of food on it. Lately, she has discovered our Swiffer mop in the closet and every chance she gets, she runs to grab it and actually starts to sweep the floor. She actually gets upset if you take it from her. I also clean up food on the floor with a hand broom, the best $1 investment ever, and she always wants to do it herself. I think she is going to be a clean freak when she gets older. I'm glad because like I said, I love clean, but I'm not a clean freak. I'd be happy if someone else cleaned for me the rest of my life. Now, leave the organizing to me though - I am OCD about organization!

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