So Tia LOVES her binkie and has to have it when she sleeps, rides in the car, and when she is feeling blue. But when is a good time to start weening her off of it. We've started to only give it to her at bed time and of course since she is so groggy in the morning, I let her have it on the car ride. I can tell that she is at that point where it may be a good time to not have it as much. I know at daycare they put it away except for nap time. During the weekends at home, she seldom even needs it. So we are going to start getting to the point where it is a bed time thing only and see how it goes. Hopefully by the time she hits 2 years old, she won't even think about it anymore. I know a lot of kids who are older than 2 who still have theirs and honestly, I don't mind it....but I do know that it gets harder the older they get. So I'm getting on board with it and going to do my best to help ween her off. Chris seems to be better at it, although he did try to get her to stop it cold turkey. Boy was he in for surprise. He put her to bed with no binkie and she just wailed and wailed. Finally, I begged him to give her the binkie, he did and she went right out. I think we both agreed it has to be baby steps. Think about it, she has had that every day of her entire life so it has to be a process to get her off of it, but gradually. I think starting now is a great time. We'll see how it goes.

Gabriel is a fan of his binky too : ) I got rid of Alexander's cold turkey at 2, and it was a rough two days, but we survived. I think that we'll try that with Gabriel too. Good luck!