As most of you know, I have some really close friends who call ourselves the A&W Club. Lisa, Cassandra, Mary, Holly, and Alyssa are the 'white' girls in our group. Leslie, Kim, and I are the 'asian' girls in the group. It wasn't that we had planned to call ourselves the Asians and Whites Club, but over the past 8 or 9 years, it morphed into the name because we would find ourselves all hanging out and lots of pictures would be taken and there'd be 1 token 'white' girl with the three 'asian' girls - we would just laugh. Leslie coined us as the A&W Club when she saw some A&W root beer shirts and purchased them for us all. Over the years, we've just stuck with the name and we love it. Now some of us are starting to have kids. Of course, Kyle, Leslie's son will be our first next generation-'er' of the A&W Club, but now we are getting lots more babies to the mix. Evan is from one of our token 'white' guy friends named Timmay, etc. Holly has twins, I have my girls, Cassandra has Dillon, and the list is staring to grow! Love it. I wish all of them a lifetime of great memories with their future friends like I've had with mine.
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