Sunday, August 26, 2012

Big Sis

Tia is super protective of her little sister Lexi. At church this week, the Music Director picked up Lexi and was holding her. Tia yells at her 'put my sister down, now' while pointing to the car seat. Everyone had a good laugh and it just goes to show how she is very protective of Lexi. At daycare, Tia is the same way. I saw her push a another kid down who was touching Lexi's head. She yells at me, if I ever leave Lexi at home to stay with Chris. She is constantly kissing on Lexi and loving on her. She makes her laugh and Lexi's eyes light up every time she sees Tia. I really hope they are close throughout their lives and Tia will always have Lexi's back, and vice versa. Tia is definitely a lover and I hope after all the hair pulling/pinching younger years - they'll be close once they hit Jr High and beyond.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A&W Club Next Generation

As most of you know, I have some really close friends who call ourselves the A&W Club. Lisa, Cassandra, Mary, Holly, and Alyssa are the 'white' girls in our group. Leslie, Kim, and I are the 'asian' girls in the group. It wasn't that we had planned to call ourselves the Asians and Whites Club, but over the past 8 or 9 years, it morphed into the name because we would find ourselves all hanging out and lots of pictures would be taken and there'd be 1 token 'white' girl with the three 'asian' girls - we would just laugh. Leslie coined us as the A&W Club when she saw some A&W root beer shirts and purchased them for us all. Over the years, we've just stuck with the name and we love it. Now some of us are starting to have kids. Of course, Kyle, Leslie's son will be our first next generation-'er' of the A&W Club, but now we are getting lots more babies to the mix. Evan is from one of our token 'white' guy friends named Timmay, etc. Holly has twins, I have my girls, Cassandra has Dillon, and the list is staring to grow! Love it. I wish all of them a lifetime of great memories with their future friends like I've had with mine.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lexi and Solids

We have been giving Lexi solids and she actually has been doing great. I am actually impressed that she doesn't fit it. Some things, like bananas, she opens her mouth like a little bird. However, other solids, like green beans and apples, she mades faces and her mouth will open but ever so slightly. Either way, she's been doing great and I hope she keeps it up!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

No More Bed Rail

Tia is growing up! We took of her bed rail this week to let Tia discover sleeping in her twin bunk beds all by herself with learning the self control of not falling off the bed. We put pillows on the ground and we are happy we did, because she did fall out the 2nd night of this new trend. She seems to love it though. I have asked her a few times if she wants the bed rail put on and she said no every time. I just love that these types of transitions work great for her and she embraces them. I'm sure once she discovers that there are two beds in a bunk bed, she'll ask how she can sleep up on the top. But since we've hidden the ladder, we hope we can keep her in the dark on the top bunk until she is a least old enough to climb up and down the ladder all by herself. Guess time will tell.