Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lexi's Face into the Mattress

Nothing scares me more than seeing Lexi's face directly into the mattress. I try to move her and she puts it right back. We try to see if she is able to get air and we can only see that her nose is pressed so that she can't breath. Oh how scary! I just fear for her when she does that and with SIDS or Carbon Monoxide poisoning. The first night she did this, if she rolled on her right side, she'd bury her head into the mattress. But if she went to the left she sleep on her side and on her cheek. So I was able to check on her and see that she was okay. Needless to say, I did not get much sleep. Then the next night she was adamant about putting her head into the pillow. Going on lack of sleep, I threw the towel in and told Chris I was just going to have her sleep in her car seat all buckled in, so I knew she was okay. I think once she figures out how to easily roll from her belly to her back, then she'll be fine. She has no problem rolling from back to belly, but has a harder time rolling from belly to back. I know most kids are the opposite. She'll get there, but until I know I can sleep without worrying, she gets to sleep in her car seat!

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